Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Apple TV Gets Price Drop, New Model on the Way?

If you are in the market for an Apple TV 2 this holiday season, you may want to check out Amazon.com. As 9to5Mac points out, the online retailer is hosting quite the sale on Apple’s media hub, knocking its price down 9%.
The ATV2 typically runs a penny under $100, but Amazon has the device going for $89.99. And it seems like there could be more to the markdown than just a holiday sale, as the retailer has re-branded the ATV2 as a 2010 model
The price reduction and model change could be another sign that a new Apple TV is on the way. You may recall that evidence surfaced last month claiming that code inside iOS 5 pointed to a new TV device from the Cupertino company. The new box would likely include the Apple’s A5 dual-core processor and other hardware improvements, making it finally capable of streaming full 1080P video.
At the very least, Amazon’s markdown is a sweet deal. Even if you don’t plan on renting videos from iTunes or watching NetFlix, an Apple TV is required to use AirPlay. And with game developers starting to take advantage of iOS 5′s new mirroring feature, there’s never been a better reason to snag one.

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