Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Enable Official Facebook App in Your iPad [How-to Guide]

This discovery was reported by the folks over at TechCrunch while the discovery of the Facebook app for iPad was actually made by Marvin Bernal (@AeroEchelon) over at Twitter. The discovery was made by simply editing the info.plist of the iPhone app and by changing “UIDeviceFamily” from the value 1 to 2. There have been some clues as well that the hidden iPad app is bound to go universal which means it is compatible both for iPhone and iPad. In order to explain it better:
Hidden in the code of Facebook’s iPhone app is the code for something else. Something everyone has been waiting over a year for. The iPad app. Yes, it’s real, and it’s spectacular (well, very good, at the very least). And yes, it really is right there within the code. Even better, it’s executable.
A TechCrunch staff also confirmed that this secret Facebook iPad app is in fact the one that the social networking giant is about to launch and iPad owners have been expecting:
Update: We’ve just talked to a source who had previous seen the app and says that this is in fact the app Facebook was intending to launch shortly. We’ll see if that gets sped up now.
NOTE: There are actually 3 ways for you to enable the official Facebook app in your iPad, one requires you to download a free jailbreak tweak from Cydia, the other one requires you to edit the app's plist file using iFile and finally one requires you to use iPhone Explorer and Xcode to edit a plist file. Just use whatever method you are comfortable with.
The first two methods require you to have a jailbroken iPad while the third one requires no jailbeaking. Be sure that you know what you are doing before you proceed.
Method #1
1.Download the latest official Facebook iPhone app (version 3.4.4) into your iPad (iTunes download link below).
2.Open up Cydia and search for the “FullForce” tweak by developer Ryan Petrich and install it. Version 1.3.3 should be the version that you want to enable the Facebook app in iPad.
3.You'll be prompted to respring your iPad so go ahead and do that.
4.Navigate to your iPad's Settings and look for the configuration settings of Fullforce.
5.Toggle the Facebook iPhone app to ON.
6.Now go back to your springboard and open the Facebook app. The official Facebook should now be enabled for your iPad.
Method #2
1.Download the latest Facebook iPhone app into your iPad (iTunes download link below).
2.Make sure that you have iFile installed in your device, if not download it from Cydia and install.
3.Launch iFile to use to navigate to Applications > Facebook.
4.Open the Facebook.app folder.
5.Look and select the info.plist file.
6.Head over to Display Properties > UIDeviceFamily.
7.Modify the UIDeviceFamily value “1” in the upper right corner to “2”.
8.Respring your iPad.
Method #3 (Requires no jailbreaking)
1.Download and install iPhone Explorer and the developer tool Xcode for Mac.
2.Open the info.plist file in the Facebook app in Xcode.
3.Modify the UIDeviceFamily property from “1? to “2.”
4.Respring the iPad.
This hidden Facebook app for iPad should be 100% functional and usable with a few minor bugs. The interface is quite slick and the overall aesthetics simply looks great. The app is also quite snappy since it is mostly based in HTML 5.
Download Facebook App for iPhone in iTunes App Store.

Monday, July 25, 2011

RedSn0w Can Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5

Following the release of iOS 4.3.5 this morning, we issued our usual warning about staying away from the latest firmware so that you don’t lose your jailbreak or unlock.
This warning is still in effect for those who don’t want a tethered jailbreak. For the rest of you who don’t mind plugging your iDevice in your computer every time you have to reboot, the word on the street is that RedSn0w can jailbreak iOS 4.3.5…
This will work for all devices that support iOS 4.3.5, except for the iPad 2.
In order to jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 using RedSn0w, you will have to update to 4.3.5 first, then point RedSn0w to 4.3.4.
Not sure how to do that? Then check our our ultimate RedSn0w guide. Make sure you are on 4.3.5, then in step 6 of the tutorial, point RedSn0w to 4.3.4. The remaining steps are identical.
Keep in mind this is a tethered jailbreak. You will need to plug your iDevice in your computer, and launch RedSn0w every single time you’ll want to reboot your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
Now for those of you who try this, please make sure to leave a comment below and tell us about your experience.

Warning: Don’t Update to iOS 4.3.5 if You Care About Your Jailbreak

With the release of iOS 4.3.5 and 4.3.10 earlier today, I think it would be safe to remind you to stay away from this “update” button if you care about your jailbreak or unlock.
If you run a stock iPhone, or iPad, then go ahead, update to the latest firmware. But if like most iDB readers you heavily rely on a jailbreak/unlock, make sure you do not update…
You’d still be able to jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 using RedSn0w, but it would be a tethered jailbreak, meaning you would have to plug your iDevice in your computer to tether boot it every time you have to start it up.
Updating to the latest firmware would definitely make you lose your software unlock no matter what.

Apple Releases iOS 4.3.5 To Fix Vulnerability with Certificate Validation

Apple has released iOS 4.3.5 for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. This update is now available in iTunes and fixes an apparent security vulnerability with certificate validation.
iOS 4.3.5 can be applied to your iDevice by updating your software in iTunes.
Jailbreakers are obviously warned to stay away from this update, or else you will lose your jailbreak.
We do expect the Dev Team to release an update to RedSn0w that will allow for a tethered jailbreak as they’ve done previously, but the untethered jailbreak has been killed by Apple.
For that reason, we advise anyone who really cares about their jailbreaking abilities to stay far away from iOS 4.3.5. It’s a relatively minor update anyway.
For CDMA iPhone users, Apple has released iOS 4.2.10.
All latest firmwares can be downloaded from our download section.
Thoughts on Apple’s consistent flow of iOS updates?

Google Books is Booted From the App Store, Amazon Updates Kindle to Comply With Apple’s Terms

Google Books is the first major app to be booted from the App Store for not complying with Apple’s latest in-app purchases policy. Apple’s new rules, which went into affect on June 30, state that no app can provide a link to purchasing additional content outside of Apple’s ecosystem.
Unfortunately, Google decided not to remove the link to its own eBooks store from its app, and it is no longer available as a result.
Google’s app first hit the App Store in December, and along with Amazon’s Kindle, it’s one of the major rivals to Apple’s own iBookstore. However, whereas Amazon’s Kindle and a number of other applications have been updated to comply with Apple’s terms, Google has so far decided not to bother…
Apple’s new App Store rules mean it’s impossible for developers to avoid Apple’s 30% cut for additional content and in-app purchases. They can no longer provide links in their applications that take users to external stores. A number of apps are yet to be updated to comply with these terms, and while it was initially believed that Apple may have scraped the policy, it now seems to be booting those apps that refuse to comply.
A number of other applications, such as Barnes & Noble, Kobo, the Wall Street Journal, and now Amazon’s Kindle, all scrambled to get their app updates out over the weekend for fear of Apple’s wrath. Despite any official word from either Apple or Google confirming the reason for blocking Google Books from the App Store, it seems Google was too late with its update.
Do you use Google Books? What’s your opinion on Apple’s new terms?

AT&T Staff Prepping for September iPhone 5 Launch

As we inch closer to August and then September, expect an influx of iPhone 5-related rumors. Not only is the gossip common for online tech blogs, but hoards of stock holders and consumers with eligible upgrades want to know when Apple’s next smartphone will arrive.
Well, folks placing their bets on the new device dropping in September may want to double down. We’ve already heard today that Apple is readying themselves for a September launch, and now BGR has just confirmed the same thing with AT&T stores…
The tech blog has a history for breaking Apple news, and has heard some interesting things regarding the launch date of the next iPhone. Their AT&T tipster claims that their stores have begun preparing for the impending iPhone 5 launch:
“BGR has exclusively learned that AT&T has begun communicating launch plans internally for Apple’s next-generation iPhone 5 handset. We have been told that AT&T has begun informing employees across the company, and those who work in retail locations, to finish any sort of employee training as soon as possible. AT&T is asking managers to finish training in order to have employees available for the influx of foot traffic expected in September, a proven source has shared with us.”
While a “proven source” isn’t as bad as a “source familiar with the matter,” it’s still sketchy. But as aforementioned, BGR has a fairly good history of reporting accurate Apple news. This also wouldn’t be the first time we’ve heard of the iPhone 5 dropping in September.
If nothing else, I think it’s safe to say that a September iPhone launch is extremely likely, especially considering all of the recent corroborating evidence. The question is, is Apple planning on launching anything else this September.
What do you think?

Verizon Getting Ready for iPhone 5 by Clearing Out iPhone 4 Inventory

We’re all waiting for the next iPhone announcement, with the smart money on a release date of late August to late September, depending on which rumor you subscribe to. The latest information coming out of the Apple rumor mill points to the same release window, with news that Verizon is beginning to clear out inventory to make way for the new handset.
We’re always skeptical about trusted tipsters, but the guys at Phone Arena seem to think this one is legit, and if it is, Verizon obviously knows something that we don’t….
Citing their source, Phone Arena says that the largest carrier in the United States has begun discounting some accessory bundles in preparation for the iPhone 5. The same tipster claims that Verizon will soon begin discounting all accessories, which would be a sure sign of a product refresh being on the cards.
“A trustworthy tipster of ours let us know that Verizon has started discounting certain accessory bundles for the iPhone 4, which, it turns out, usually means that they’re phasing their inventory out, in order to get ready for the new handset. After that, our person says, we should expect them to lower the prices of single accessory offerings”
Obviously, this is about as far as we can get from an official announcement, but it’s just another pointer to add to the increasing amount of evidence pointing to an iPhone 5 being in our sweaty hands sooner, rather than later.
We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to see what the team in Cupertino has got lined up for us this time around!

Apple Hiring Extra Employees This August for iPhone 5 Launch

Hot on the heels of reports that Apple Retail UK has been recruiting new staff for an unknown event in the next couple months, new claims have surfaced that Apple is undergoing a similar recruitment drive in the United States.
According to MacRumors, Apple has, in the past, turned to ex-employees to fill the gaps created by staff holidays, and it isn’t unknown for them to be used during big product launches, too.  Now, one such ex-employee says they have been asked to do just that for what is believed to be the launch of the next iPhone…

The anonymous tipster claims that they have received an email asking them to re-join the Apple Store workforce temporarily— with the window being between August 15 and September 15.
Before we all take that as gospel that this confirms a release window for the much anticipated iPhone 5, it’s also worth noting that this could simply be Apple getting ready for their ‘Back to School’ campaign.
The dates do, however, fit in all-too-nicely with the expected release date of the fifth-generation iPhone.
Will we be getting our hands on an iPhone 5 in the next couple of months? Will iOS 5 be ready in time?
The latest beta of Apple’s new mobile operating system was recently seeded to developers, and iOS 5 Beta 4 the first outing for Apple’s new over-the-air updating system. iOS 5 Beta 4 was released on Friday.
If the August/September release window is indeed correct, we’d expect to see a Golden Master release of iOS 5 in the next couple of weeks.

Facebook for iPad Hidden Within iPhone App, Here’s How to Get it Right Now

TechCrunch has reported that the rumored Facebook for iPad app is hidden within the iPhone app. How so?
A Twitter user by the name of Marvin Bernal found that changing the “UIDeviceFamily” from 1 to 2 in the info.plist of the iPhone app will display a hidden Facebook iPad app. This also hints that hidden app will become a universal application, meaning that the same app can be downloaded on both an iPhone and an iPad.
Here’s how to get the secret Facebook for iPad app on your own iPad right now…
“Hidden in the code of Facebook’s iPhone app is the code for something else. Something everyone has been waiting over a year for. The iPad app. Yes, it’s real, and it’s spectacular (well, very good, at the very least). And yes, it really is right there within the code. Even better, it’s executable.
TechCrunch’s MG. Siegler confirmed that this is the real, upcoming iPad app for Facebook that we’ve all been waiting for,
“Update: We’ve just talked to a source who had previous seen the app and says that this is in fact the app Facebook was intending to launch shortly. We’ll see if that gets sped up now.”
How to get the hidden Facebook app on a jailbroken iPad:
The Easy Way
Step 1: Download the latest version of Facebook for iPhone to your iPad.
Step 2: Find and install the “FullForce” tweak for free from developer Ryan Petrich in Cydia. Version 1.3.3 will enable the new Facebook for iPad app.
Step 3: Respring your iPad.
Step 4: Go to your iPad’s Settings and find the FullForce settings tab.
Step 5: Switch the toggle for the Facebook iPhone app to On.
Step 6: Exit Settings and enter the Facebook app on your iPad. The hidden app will now be enabled.
The Hard Way
Step 1: Download the latest version of Facebook for iPhone to your iPad.
Step 2: Download and install iFile from Cydia.
Step 3: In iFile, navigate to Applications > Facebook
Step 4: Enter the “Facebook.app” folder.
Step 5: Select the “info.plist” file.
Step 6: Navigate to Display Properties > UIDeviceFamily
Step 7: Change the number “1” in the upper right corner to “2”
Step 8: Respring your iPad!
On a non-jailbroken iPad:
Step 1: Download iPhone Explorer and Xcode on your Mac.
Step 2: Open the info.plist file in the Facebook for iPhone app in Xcode.
Step 3: Change the UIDeviceFamily property from “1″ to “2.”
Step 4: Respring your iPad!
After using the app for awhile, I found that it’s definitely 100% usable, but it still has a few minor bugs. For instance, when posting a status update, it says “via iPhone” instead of “via iPad.” The UI is also very nice. Also, the app is developed in mostly HTML 5, meaning the app is pretty snappy.
This hidden iPad app happened to appear after the recent Facebook for iPhone 3.4.4 update. By secretly releasing an official iPad app, Facebook has hammered the nails in the coffin for 3rd party Facebook apps on the iPad.
What are your thoughts on this? Are you going to try installing the app? Let us know how it works for you in the comments!

CellScope Accessory Turns iPhone into Microscope

The iPhone accessory arena has to be one of the largest in all of electronics. iDevice add-ons enable your gadgets to do anything from receive TV broadcasts to detecting cataracts, and everything in between.
Now we can add the CellScope to the iPhone’s list of interesting attachments. TUAW highlights the accessory, which turns your iPhone 4′s camera into a microscope…
Utilizing a device called an otoscope, CellScope enables your iPhone 4 to capture microscopic images.  The accessory is the result of a UC Berkeley project designed to aid mobile health services traveling to remote locations, where access to healthcare equipment is scarce.
The add-on is already at work, helping doctors to diagnose ear infections by taking digital photos of patient’s inner ears. The images can then be added to the the person’s electronic medical record, to compare with future photos of ear infections.
CellScope is capable of magnifying objects from 5x to 50x. The iPhone 4′s high-quality camera and ability to quickly share images, coupled with the accessory, turn the popular cellphone into a miniaturized research lab— at a fraction of the cost.
As TUAW points out, healthcare equipment is extremely expensive to begin with. Even a low-end microscope capable of wirelessly transmitting images can run thousands of dollars.
While this won’t replace equipment at major facilities, it sounds like the perfect companion for doctors on the go. Is this what Steve Jobs and company mean when they say that their products are magical? Sure, if you consider curing diseases magical.
What do you think?

Internalizer: Add Custom Text to the Lockscreen

Do you remember the photos of a T-Mobile-branded iPhone BGR published a few months ago? The device was believed to be an internal Apple test unit for a couple of reasons, one of them being the custom “Confidential and Proprietary” text on the lock screen.
Well now, jailbreakers can add custom text to their lockscreens too, thanks to Internalizer. Chpwn’s latest TweakWeek entry allows you to place text on your lockscreen to use as a reminder or display contact info in case your device is lost…
Internalizer’s options can be adjusted from the Settings app. Here you can type in your custom text that will display when your iPhone’s screen is locked. The message (as you can see in the photo above), appears just above the unlock slider.
I use LockInfo, so the text actually gets in the way of other data I have on my lock screen. But it’s a cool utility nonetheless and I’m sure a lot of people will find it entertaining if not useful. Internalizer is available in Cydia (in the default repos) for free.
What do you think of Internalizer?

‘HUD Controls Plus’ Allows You to Launch Apps Straight From Your Heads Up Display

Over the years, many a jailbreak tweak has taken advantage of the heads up display that appears when you press one of your iPhone’s volume keys; for instance, biteSMS allows you to invoke quick compose for SMS messages by simply tapping the HUD when it appears.
While most tweaks that use the HUD only utilize it for some auxiliary function, HUD Controls Plus focuses solely on the HUD.
With that in mind, it’s appropriate to refer to HUD Controls Plus as a supercharger for your iPhone’s heads up display…
The version displayed in the video above is a pre-release version, so I wasn’t able to play with some of the new features, but rest assured that this version is a lot more fleshed out than the one demonstrated on video.
For $1 on the Cydia store, you gain the ability to add album artwork from your current playing song on iTunes, adjust the font color, compose new email or text message, and launch apps directly from the HUD.
If your iPhone is jailbroken, and you decide to purchase HUD Controls Plus, let me know what you think about it in the comments section below.

Official Facebook App Has Been Updated, Facebook 3.4.4 Now Available for Download

The official app of Facebook has been in the App Store since day 1 and it is definitely the most downloaded app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Facebook app users may want to take note that Facebook 3.4.4 is now available which is an update that promises to bring a whole slew of performance enhancements, bug fixes as well as restored features.
The years haven't been so kind to Facebook's official app for the iPhone. While it is arguably the most popular app in the iTunes App Store and Facebook itself continues to grow with over 750 million active users, the official app however have continued to decline in popularity. The app is used to have about 100+ million users but in less than a year, it only now has about 80+ million active users.
This significant decline in popularity can be attributed to the fact that many users have found the app to be underwhelming in terms of user experience. Constant crashes, app freezing, slowdowns, buttons randomly disappearing, comments can't be deleted are just some of the problems that are commonly cited by disgruntled users. And with each new update, Facebook has somehow managed to bring in more bugs and take away features rather than improving the stability and performance of the app. A quick visit to the Facebook app's iTunes page and you'll see an overwhelming number of negative feedbacks.
But still, for those who hasn't given up on the app yet, it is still worth giving this update a shot especially when it promises improved performance. In order to install Facebook 3.4.4, you can go to the Facebook App iTunes page or you can simply open the App Store from your iPhone or iPod Touch, tap Updates, locate the Facebook app and tap Update button.
Despite the decline in popularity of the Facebook app, the social networking site remains as popular as ever. Facebook, Inc. has been quite busy these days. First there's the rumored photo sharing app that is said to rival similar ones like Instagram, they also launched a new Skype powered video calling to their main site and they are also reportedly working on an app distribution platform called Project Spartan that is said to directly compete with the iTunes App Store.

New iPad TV Ad: We’ll Always

Apple just launched a new TV commercial for the iPad 2. Nothing really original here as Apple is still trying to touch our emotions, and of course they succeed.
This ad is titled “We’ll Always,” and it shows that we’ll never stop doing the things we love, but with the iPad we’ll do them in amazing new ways…

Add a Free Landscape App Switcher to Your iPhone With ‘Switcherscape’

If you’ve ever wanted to open up your app switcher in landscape mode like you can do on the iPad, then your only choice is to jailbreak your iPhone.
Up until now, the jailbreak tweaks that enable the landscape app switcher on the iPhone have all been paid tweaks.
Thank’s to @chpwn, there is now a free option to enable the landscape app switcher, and that option is aptly entitled, Switcherscape…
Switcherscape features no app icons, or settings panel. Once installed, it just starts working.
Just a point of note; you will have to be in an app that natively supports landscape mode before you can invoke your app switcher in landscape mode. If you want to be able to outright place your Home screen into landscape mode, you’ll need something like SBRotator.
Again, Switcherscape can be downloaded for free on the BigBoss repo. If you’ve given it a whirl, let us know what you think in the comments below.
Edit: Although the image on the download page says BigBoss, it looks like it’s going to take some time to actually make it there. In the meantime you can download it from Ryan Petrich’s Tweak Week repo, since this is a TweakWeek tweak. Repo address is as follows: http://rpetri.ch/repo/

iPhone Hacker ‘MuscleNerd’ Suspended From Google+ for Not Providing Real Name

Google’s latest attempt at a social network is Google+. After only a few weeks of being in a private beta, there are already 18+ million people registered on the network.
On Google+, Google requires that you provide your real, full name when making your account. While this may not prove to be a problem for most users, those under the internt’s limelight that don’t want their real name out there for all to see may find this requirement of Google’s to be a dilemma.
Legendary unlock wizard and jailbreak hacker, MuscleNerd, has run into this problem with Google, and the results are that his Google+ account has been suspended…
MuscleNerd has been a prominent member of the iPhone Dev-Team for years, and he is responsible for many of the achievements related to unlocking the iPhone. With almost 230,000 followers on Twitter, MuscleNerd is definitely an influential and well-respected member of the jailbreak community.
After signing up for Google+ under his online name, MuscleNerd received a notification today that his account had been suspended. The creator of Cydia, Jay “saurik” Freeman, addressed this problem with Google banning the use of pseudonyms in a lengthy post from his own Google+ account.
This issue with the merging of one’s real and online identity proves to be a big one for people like MuscleNerd that have maintained an air of anonymity on the internet for so long. In fact, most hackers operate under contrived “usernames” online to keep their real identity a secret.
It will be interesting to see Google’s reaction to the suspension of MuscleNerd’s account, and I wonder if Google+ will eventually allow people to operate under pseudonyms with full permission.
Does it bother you that Google is enforcing such a policy? Will this practice of maintaing a separate, ”online” identity be able to continue as social networks become more transparent? Let us know your thoughts below.

‘SBFloatingIcons’ Places Your iPhone’s App Icons Into a Virtual Blender

SBFloatingIcons is a recently released jailbreak tweak that brings a measure of organized confusion to your iPhone’s springboard.
In the same vein as tweaks like GraviBoard and others, SBFloatingIcons allows you manipulate all of the app icons on your iPhone’s Home screen.
Once installed, you’ll be able to add 3D rotation, 2D rotation, and 3D scaling to the icons in both your dock and the home screen. Check inside for a video demonstration of SBFloatingIcons in action…
The result of implementing any of the three aforementioned effects presets, is a level of chaos that anyone seeking to escape the mundane confines of the iPhone’s stock springboard will likely appreciate.
Although all three of the included presets allowed for some level of uniqueness, I personally preferred the 2D rotation preset over all others. It seemed to work the best; still allowing your iPhone to remain totally functional in the process.
Breaking the mold won’t come cheap; SBFloatingIcons will set you back $1.99 on the Cydia store.
Have you tried it out yet? What do you think?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Info on iOS 5 Voice Recognition – Nuance Dictation

Fresh from the release of iOS 5′s fourth beta, came news that there are references to voice recognition technology that is yet to be seen in iOS devices. When we wrote about this new development yesterday, speculation was rife that a Siri Assistant-like feature would be coming to iOS.
Now though, it seems there may be more to this ‘talking to your iPhone’ thing than first thought, with 9to5Mac finding yet more code, this time pointing to integrated Nuance Dictation.
The code, discovered in the latest iOS 5 SDK, would bring Android-like text dictation to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, if it makes its way into a final release of the OS…
9to5Mac’s findings suggest that the new feature would give users the option of pressing a button on the virtual keyboard, and then speaking into the device’s microphone. This voice input could then be converted into text using Nuance’s software.
If that sounds familiar, it’s because Google has been doing this with Android for some time now.
The code, discovered in iOS 5 Beta 4, also gives the impression that the software may detect when a voice input is complete, removing the need to tap the screen when the user has finished speaking. Great for in-car use, for example.
This isn’t the first time Nuance has been claimed to have a finger in the iOS pie – the Nuance team were rumored to put in an appearance during Apple’s WWDC keynote, but that did not come to fruition.
It is also unknown whether any potential new dictation feature would be available on all iOS hardware from the start, with the possibility that Apple may restrict its use to the latest and greatest devices.
iPhone 5, perhaps?

Stolen iPhone’s Journey Seen Through the Eyes of a Getaway Car

We’ve told you plenty of interesting stories that involve thievery and the iPhone. This one is no exception.
Sue Huang’s iPhone was taken, and she finally got it back five days later after the thief ransomed it back to her. Thanks to the iPhone’s GPS, Sue and her friend Brian were able to recreate where her iPhone had been during the five days that the thief drove around with the device in his car.
They stitched together a video of the stolen iPhone’s Google Street View location as it moved throughout the city of LA during a period of five days…
Thanks to Google Maps and OpenPaths, Brian was able to put together a pretty interesting look at where Sue’s iPhone had been.
Brian explains how they put together the video through the lens of what could be considered a getaway car
You know what they say: When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

iOS 5 Beta 4 Adds Cellular and GPS Toggles to iPod Touch

Remember the rumor that Apple would introduce a 3G-equipped iPod touch at its music event this September? A recent finding in the newly-released iOS 5 Beta 4 uncovers something that all but confirms that possibility.
There’s always the chance that Apple got lazy and just forgot to remove the cellular and GPS toggles in the Settings app for the iPod touch, but it’s more exciting to speculate that this is a sign of things to come…
Instead of the iPhone Nano device that was rumored earlier this year, the latest speculation has been that Apple will instead create a 3G iPod touch (or iPhone ‘lite’) that’s capable of using VoIP apps like FaceTime and iMessage over a 3G signal. This 3G iPod touch would theoretically have a month-to-month data plan, like the current, 3G-equipped iPad 1 and 2.
We’d like to think that these findings in iOS 5 Beta 4 are indicative of a 3G iPod touch, but there’s always a chance that this was a mistake that will be corrected in Apple’s next update.
What do you think? Will Apple release a 3G iPod touch this Fall?

Bluetooth 4.0 to Replace NFC in Next iPhone?

NFC has been a popular topic of discussion in the tech world over the last several months. Near Field Communications technology has already been introduced in several Android devices, and has been rumored to appear in the next iPhone.
While imbedding an NFC chip in Apple’s next smartphone would help standardize the technology, ItProPortal thinks Apple has a different plan in mind for the iPhone. Have you ever heard of Bluetooth 4.0?
Last week, Apple refreshed their popular Macbook Air and Mac Mini lines. The two computers saw multiple hardware upgrades, but there’s one new feature in particular we’re interested in: Bluetooth 4.o.
As ItProPortal tells it, Apple just recently joined the board of Bluetooth’s Special Interest Group (SIG). The organization was originally founded in 1998 to standardize and evangelize the technology.
Two months after joining, Apple released the world’s first mainstream Bluetooth 4.0 devices, the Air and the Mini. The interesting thing here is that Apple’s previous products utilized Bluetooth v2.1. So the company leap-frogged Bluetooth 3.0 and fast-tracked 4.0′s adoption. Why?
Word on the street is that Apple is readying its computer products with Bluetooth 4.0 in preparation for the iPhone 5. The new technology contains several improvements over previous versions, including much longer range and lower power consumption.
Although several corporations have already adopted NFC technology, Apple has been known to go against the grain. Just look at the way they snubbed the popular USB 3.0 platform for Intel’s new Thunderbolt port.
If Apple does end up implementing Bluetooth 4.0 in the next iPhone, not only would it open up possibilities like making wireless payments, but it would also allow the device to communicate with their other products. I’m thinking AirDrop.
What do you think? Sound plausible?

PasswordPilot Auto-Enters Your App Store Password

There was a time when App Store goers didn’t have to type their password in for every download. In fact, after entering it once, users had a 15 minute window to download software without having to constantly punch in a password.
However, after a few lawsuits and the threat of an FCC investigation, Apple changed the policy. Users now have to enter their Apple account passwords for every download, even a free one. Luckily, jailbreakers, there is now a tweak for that…

Enter PasswordPilot, a simple utility that automatically inserts your password for you when prompted by the App Store. This allows you to download apps until your heart’s content, without having to approve each time.
Once downloaded, simply go into your Settings app and tap the new PasswordPilot tab. Enter in your Apple account password and then leave Settings. Don’t worry, it saves and encrypts your password automatically.
While I wouldn’t recommend this tweak to folks who let friends or offspring play with their iDevice often, it is nice for the power user that downloads a lot of apps. PasswordPilot is available in Cydia for free.
PasswordPilot is available for free on FilippoBiga’s repo. The repo address is: http://filippobiga.me/repo/ – It should also be appearing on the BigBoss repo in the near future.
What do you think?

T-Mobile Disses the iPad 2 by Calling the G-Slate Faster

T-Mobile USA has declared an all-out war on the iPad 2, claiming that the “G-Slate” tablet is both faster and cheaper.
In a new tablet comparison page on the company’s website, T-Mobile pits the hugely popular iPad 2 against the Android-powered Motorola Xoom, listing specifications and costs for both tablets. Unsurprisingly, the only tablet of the three that T-Mobile has on its network comes out on top, with the G-Slate receiving the most praise…
While it has to be agreed that the G-Slate is indeed the cheaper of the three, we find ourselves taking umbrage with T-Mobile’s claims that its own horse in this race is actually the fastest.
Granted, T-Mobile is obviously talking about its network speeds here, rather than the speed of the actual hardware, but even then we’re still not convinced. T-Mobile is currently marketing its HSPA+ network as 4G, something we just can’t quite get behind.
When BGR got in touch with T-Mobile to clear things up, the site was told that the tablet speed tests were carried out by an independent entity over a selection of locations.
Admittedly, T-Mobile’s network may be nice and speedy, but we think we’d rather take the iPad’s interface and apps over Android’s offering any day of the week.
We suspect T-Mobile would, too.