Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hackers Get iOS Applications Running on Apple TV

Those of you who have been holding out for a good reason to jailbreak your Apple TV, might have just got it. Well-known developer Steven Troughton-Smith has teamed up with other hackers to bring iOS applications to the Apple TV.
But they’re not just trying to make it happen, they’ve done it. Troughton-Smith showed off several photos via his Twitter account tonight of his jailbroken Apple TV running a homegrown version of the iOS springboard, and multiple iOS apps
Even though Apple TV’s software is built on iOS, getting native iOS apps to run on it was no easy task. The developers essentially had to re-write the springboard from the ground up. And while the hack is no where near ready for public release, it looks promising.
This reminds us of a time when the iPhone didn’t have a native app store, so jailbreakers had to drum up an alternative. Apple noticed the attention that native third party apps were getting, and launched the official App Store less than a year later.
Maybe that’ll happen here. Stay tuned.
Update: As you can see, we’ve added a video of the hack in action. We also want to give credit where credit is due — Troughton-Smith says that TheMudKip, another developer, is responsible for most of the legwork in this project. Well done guys.

Rumor: Is This a Photo of an iPad 3 Retina Display?

If there is one thing that is guaranteed every year, it’s that MacRumors will get its hands on some photos of what appear to be parts from a new iPhone or iPad. This year is proving to be no different, with the latest part to show up supposedly being an iPad 3 screen, complete with Retina Display pixel density.
Unfortunately the screen is not attached to anything, and thus not functioning, which is a shame.
While the screen was not powered up, that does not mean there isn’t at least one portion of the photo that should get the pulse racing – the screen pictured possess three, count ‘em, three ribbon cables. Exciting…
All skepticism aside, the ribbon cables could prove telling. See, the iPad 2′s screen sports just the two cables, but the photographed iPad 3 screen has one more. Notice the difference between the supposed iPad 3 screen at the top, and the current iPad 2 part at the bottom.
Given the expected 2048×1536 resolution of the new tablet, an extra cable to help carry all that data is not beyond the realms of our imagination. In fact, the more we think about it, the more it makes sense.
We are still firmly ensconced in rumor territory right now, and this photo will no doubt not be the last. The possibility of a Retina Display is possibly the biggest change Apple could make to the iPad 3, alongside adding improved cameras to bring it up to spec with the current flagship, the iPhone 4S.
Would a Retina Display be enough to get you to upgrade to an iPad 3, or will you be looking for something a little more exciting from the boffins in Cupertino?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

RedSn0w iOS 5.0.1 Untether Updated With Fix For MobileSubstrate Error

The Dev Team has released beta 3 of RedSn0w for the Mac and PC to fix an error that caused MobileSubstrate to sometimes crash on jailbroken iOS devices. This specific error only seemed to crash MobileSubstrate when the latest iOS 5.0.1 untether in RedSn0w was run over an existing jailbreak.
From the Dev Team blog:
The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again.  Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).
Another tip: If RedSn0w tells you that no identifying data was found when it auto-detects your IPSW, then you can pre-select your iOS device’s 5.0.1 IPSW in RedSnow’s Extras >Select IPSW menu.
As always, you can download the latest RedSn0w beta from our Downloads page. This latest beta follows an update from yesterday that fixed the “launchctl” error in Cydia. We have a dedicated RedSn0w page with everything you need to know about the jailbreak tool, and we have tutorials for jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 for both the Mac and Windows.

Griffin HeloTC iOS-Controlled Helicopter Review

The market for iOS-controlled vehicles has become rather crowded over the last 12 months. We’ve seen everything from robots to helicopters and everything in between. But most of these remote control devices are usually too pricey to go mainstream.
Griffin’s Helo TC  breaks that mold by being one of the first iOS RC vehicles under $50. And although it has been available for a few months now, I just recently got my hands on one.
Before we get started, it’s worth noting that my prior experience with RC helicopters is fairly limited. I’ve only owned a handful of low-end models, each of which failed to impress. So without further adieu.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Buffer Lets You Queue Your Tweets on Your iPhone

We’ve been big fans of Buffer for a while now, and we’ve been waiting for the startup’s iPhone app for what feels like forever. The wait is finally over.
Released over the Christmas holiday, the native iPhone app version of Buffer brings a more polished portal into the world of scheduled tweets and Facebook status updates, and it has been well worth the wait.
What’s even better is the app is free, meaning there really is no reason to not give it a try…
We like Buffer for one main reason, and that is the ability it gives us to schedule tweets or Facebook updates for times that suit our audience. We’re big Twitter users here at iDB – you can follow us all via the links here if you don’t already – and with writers stretched out across the globe, taking time differences into consideration can be an important aspect of our online lives.
Buffer allows those of us living outside the US to schedule tweets, be they links to iDB posts or other general tidbits of wisdom, for when our US-based audience are awake. It may be a stretched example, but it is a real one.
You might want to schedule the tweeting or links so they go out when all your friends are out of school, or only send work-related tweets out during business hours. The possibilities are endless, and if you have a use for Buffer then you’ll know it.
The iPhone app brings all of that to the palm of your hand, giving fans a way to schedule new tweets or updates, as well as rearrange them on the fly. If you install the bookmarklet for Mobile Safari, then you also have an easy way to get links out of Safari and into the Buffer app for scheduling.
We suggest you give Buffer for iPhone a go in the App Store if you haven’t already. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Corona iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak Updated to Fix “Launchctl” Error

If you own an A4 device, chances are you spent your day jailbreaking. After months of waiting on a proper iOS 5 exploit, both the Chronic and iPhone Dev teams released untethered jailbreaks late last night.
There have been reports, however, of folks having some problems with the new untethers. One issue in particular, a “launchctl” error, has been fairly common. So Saurik has pushed out an update for the untether to fix it…
Saurik recently took to his Twitter account to explain the problems and the updates:
We haven’t noticed any problems with our devices, but those that are having issues may want to check this out (whether you jailbroke with Corona or RedSn0w). To get the update, just open Cydia and select the Changes tab. You should see the new Corona package version 1.0-3 populate at the top.
Are you having any problems with your jailbreak?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shazam: Not Just for Identifying Music

It’s been a big year for the folks at Shazam. On top of receiving $32 million dollars during a mid-summer investment round, the mobile music lookup service just recently re-launched unlimited track-tagging for iOS users.
And it appears that the company is just getting started. Since January of this year, there has been a lot of talk about Shazam venturing into the TV business. How, might you ask? With interactive commercials of course…
Here’s how it works: You’re watching TV and a commercial break hits. You notice one of the TV ads has a Shazam logo, indicating that it’s compatible with the sound ID app, so you pull out your iPhone and start it up.
Once the ad is identified, Shazam loads up pre-determined content depending on the commercial. For example, the content for a movie trailer might be an extended movie preview, or information such as movie times. A fast food commercial may bring up a menu, and possibly coupons for the items shown in the TV ad. In fact, Shazam has already partnered with retail companies like Old Navy, and TV shows like Royal Pains, so there’s a good chance that you’ve already seen this in action.
We recently noticed the Shazam logo during Disney’s televised Christmas day parade. Launching the iPhone app brought up all kinds of extra content including live photos and music from the event. Pretty cool.
As you can imagine, the service has enormous potential. The only problem is that not everyone can get to their phone in time to launch the app before a commercial ends. Perhaps Apple’s rumored TV set with third party app support could solve that problem. Interesting.

How to Get the iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak Using RedSn0w

By now you’ve probably read our earlier report that there finally is an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1. This is thanks to the amazing work of iOS hacker pod2g, but also thanks to GeoHot who found some of these exploits a while back.
As we mentioned in our previous post, there are two ways to untether iOS 5.0.1. If you’re already jailbroken, you may want to use Corona Untether 5.0.1. If however you’re still running a stock iOS 5.0.1 version, then this RedSn0w tutorial is for you.
Before going forward, I advise you read our post about the specifics of this iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak.
Note that unlockers who need to preserve their baseband while updating to the latest iOS version will have to first create a custom firmware using RedSn0w > Extras > Custom IPSW.

How to Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 Untether with RedSn0w
Step 1: Download RedSn0w 0.9.10b1 from our downloads section.
Step 2: Plug your iDevice in and put it in DFU mode.
Step 3: Launch RedSn0w and click on “Jailbreak” and select “Install Cydia”.
Let RedSn0w work its magic. In just a few moments, your iDevice should reboot and run an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1.
We should get a video tutorial of the whole process shortly. In the meanwhile, feel free to ask any question below.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Apple’s “iTunes – 12 Days of Christmas” App Now Available in UK and Canada

Apple has released its annual “iTunes – 12 Days of Christmas” app for the iPhone and iPad in the App Store for customers in the UK and Canada. The app serves as part of Apple’s promotion that lasts from December 26th to January 6th.
During Apple’s 12 Days of Christmas promotion the company will give away one free gift each day, whether it be an app, song, movie, or iBook.
You and your friends can download a fantastic selection of songs, music videos, apps and books for free. Each download will only be available for 24 hours. Get our special 12 Days of Christmas app to make it even easier to access your gifts while you’re on the go.
Today Apple is kicking off the promotion with a live Coldplay EP from the iTunes Festival in London. The universal application for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad is available as a free download in the App Store.
No word has been given on when the app will be made available in the United States.

Visit to the Steve Jobs Exhibit at the US Patent and Trademark Office

A couple of days ago, I took the opportunity to visit Alexandria, Virginia, home of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I visited there with the intention of getting a glimpse of the Steve Jobs patent exhibit before it was scheduled to be removed in a few weeks.
It’s pretty interesting to look at some of the history of Apple’s patents and the people involved with those patents. The exhibit was uniquely designed to showcase 12 patents per iPhone screen; I guess you could say the patents were the “app icons” of each of the many large-scaled iPhone’s that made up the exhibit.
If you won’t be able to make it to the exhibit before it gets taken down, don’t fret; I’ve captured my visit on video for you to enjoy.
All in all, it was a great visit. I wouldn’t say that it’s a standalone reason to travel to Alexandria, but seeing as its close to DC, it’s worth a visit if you happen to be in the area.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

LogMeIn Remote Desktop App for iOS Goes Free

If you are the kind of person that finds yourself needing to access your computers from obscure, remote locations, then you are in for a spot of pre-Christmas luck. Especially if you like to be able to access said computers from your iOS devices.
LogMeIn Ignition, the beloved remote desktop app for the iPhone and iPad, has been released as a free app, now simply called LogMeIn. The app works as expected, and offers remote desktop functionality for those that need it.
But how will LogMeIn generate money, we hear you cry. Well, it’s technically gone freemium …
If you need a little more than the basics, then LogMeIn offers an in-app subscription system for $40/year. Your cash gets you some more advanced features, including HD video, sound streaming, file transferring, and a special cloud offering.
iPad and iPhone owners can take advantage of the remote access capabilities by simply downloading the free app from the Apple App Store and then installing LogMeIn Free on any PC or Mac which they wish to access. Users also have the option of upgrading to an all new version of LogMeIn Pro, LogMeIn’s premium remote access software, and enjoy additional remote access capabilities.
While the basic LogMeIn app will be more than adequate for most people, the subscription model offers a way or more advanced users to get the features they need, while still offering those of us with more meagre needs a way to get in on the remote desktop action, for free.
If you previously forked out the $30 for LogMeIn Ignition, then fear not. You’ll be given the premium, subscription version of the app for free. Get it now in the App Store.

Hot Deals: Free and Discounted Apps for Saturday, Dec 24

You know what we love more than apps at iDB? Apps that are available for a discounted price or even for free in the App Store!
Today, we’ve got a selection of popular applications that are selling for significantly less. Some of them are totally free.
Our advice is to get them while the sales last, because they’re going to be back at their original price soon…
■QRPager Gold (Free, was $4.99)
■SantaRush (Free, was $0.99)
■Two Towers ($1.99, was $2.99)
■Hotel Mogul HD ($0.99, was $4.99)
■Downbound (Free, was $0.99)
■Golden Trails: The New Western Rush ($0.99, was $4.99)
■Elf Rescue (Free, was $0.99)
■Cat Dash (Free, was $0.99)
■Peak Gold (Free, was $0.99)
■Cradle of Rome ($0.99, was $4.99)
■Happy Archer (Free, was $0.99)
■TRUpuzzlE (Free, was $0.99)
■Julius Styles – The International (Free, was $0.99)
■WIFI USB (Free, was $0.99)
■Mega Man® II ($0.99, was $2.99)