Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Apple Has Changed Under its New CEO Tim Cook

When Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple’s CEO this past August, investors panicked. How could the Cupertino company continue its run of greatness without the man that started it all? Two words — Tim Cook.
The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article yesterday that looks at Cook’s impact at Apple during his first two months as the company’s Chief Executive Officer. And it sounds like he’s off to a good start…
Although Cook promised that Apple wouldn’t change under his tenure, the WSJ suggests that the company won’t exactly be the same either. Here’s an excerpt from the article:
“In recent weeks, Mr. Cook has tended to administrative matters that never interested Mr. Jobs, such as promotions and corporate reporting structures, according to people familiar with the matter. The new chief executive, 50 years old, has also been more communicative with employees than his predecessor, sending a variety of company-wide emails while addressing Apple employees as “Team,” people close to the company said.
Mr. Cook has also displayed some different corporate philosophies from Mr. Jobs. The new CEO recently announced a charitable matching program promising Apple would match employee donations to non-profits of up to $10,000 a year, starting in the US. In contrast, Mr. Jobs said at a company off-site last year that he was opposed to giving money away, according to a person who attended.”
Cook may not be the visionary that Jobs was, but he is more than capable of running Apple. Not only has he been with the company for 15 years, he is also the reason behind its low supply costs and high profit margins.
And as for future Apple products, well Cook has an all-star team of visionaries to help him out. From Johnny Ive to Scott Forstall, almost every person responsible for Apple’s success is still right by Tim’s side. Yeah, I’d say Apple is in good hands.

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