Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Buffer Lets You Queue Your Tweets on Your iPhone

We’ve been big fans of Buffer for a while now, and we’ve been waiting for the startup’s iPhone app for what feels like forever. The wait is finally over.
Released over the Christmas holiday, the native iPhone app version of Buffer brings a more polished portal into the world of scheduled tweets and Facebook status updates, and it has been well worth the wait.
What’s even better is the app is free, meaning there really is no reason to not give it a try…
We like Buffer for one main reason, and that is the ability it gives us to schedule tweets or Facebook updates for times that suit our audience. We’re big Twitter users here at iDB – you can follow us all via the links here if you don’t already – and with writers stretched out across the globe, taking time differences into consideration can be an important aspect of our online lives.
Buffer allows those of us living outside the US to schedule tweets, be they links to iDB posts or other general tidbits of wisdom, for when our US-based audience are awake. It may be a stretched example, but it is a real one.
You might want to schedule the tweeting or links so they go out when all your friends are out of school, or only send work-related tweets out during business hours. The possibilities are endless, and if you have a use for Buffer then you’ll know it.
The iPhone app brings all of that to the palm of your hand, giving fans a way to schedule new tweets or updates, as well as rearrange them on the fly. If you install the bookmarklet for Mobile Safari, then you also have an easy way to get links out of Safari and into the Buffer app for scheduling.
We suggest you give Buffer for iPhone a go in the App Store if you haven’t already. Let us know what you think in the comments!

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