Saturday, February 18, 2012

Apple posts guide to help new developers start creating apps

For those who have never dove into building iOS apps, it can be quite a difficult experience when first starting out. Apple has strict rules about what apps can and can’t do that can be easily broken. Luckily, Apple is pretty good about giving assistance to new developers.
To help new developers move onto the iOS platform, Apple has posted a stylish guide titled “Start Developing iOS Apps Today“, introducing them to what it takes to build an iOS app…
The guide starts with the basic of app development, like how to install Xcode from the Mac App Store and building your first iOS app. The guide then talks about basic coding language, frameworks, design patterns, and getting your app onto the App Store.
This isn’t Apple’s only step to help new developers. There are also many smaller posts available on in the Developer Center, from basic frameworks to how to use Xcode.
Apple makes guides like this available to continue the lockdown of their App Store. These guides clearly tell what’s expected out of developers when they submit an app to be reviewed by Apple, in hopes of less and less being turned down. An easier development experience for developers also means for more and better apps.
You can check out the full guide, whether you have a paid developer account or not, on Apple’s Developer Center.

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