Friday, April 27, 2012

If you haven’t unlocked your iPhone with the SAM unlock, you better act fast before it’s too late

iPhone Dev Team member, MuscleNerd, just tweeted that Apple is currently working on fixing their activation servers.
This means that sooner or later the SAM unlock will no longer work for your jailbroken iPhone.
The good news is that if you backed up your activation ticket like we instructed in our tutorial, your current unlock should be safe for good.

@MuscleNerd Looks like Apple's currently fixing their activation servers. But the good news is that previous tickets gotten via SAM trick still work.
26 Apr 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
MuscleNerd goes on to state that any new unlock requests will probably be “hit or miss” going forward, eventually to the point where they will be all “miss”.
In other words, If you’ve yet to unlock and you still desire to, you better do so now.
Not surprising at all to see Apple jump on this, I’m surprised they didn’t get to it sooner.
What do you think? Have you unlocked yet?

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