Sunday, April 15, 2012

Verizon rolls out LTE to San Francisco Bay area and Reno, Nevada

LTE coverage is becoming an increasingly hot topic for Apple users here in the US. After waiting more than a year to utilize the high-speed 4G technology, Apple made its latest iPad LTE-capable. And it’s likely that its next handset will be as well.
So which carrier has the best LTE coverage in the US? Verizon — by a long shot. And it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. PhoneArena is reporting that Verizon has just lit up LTE in several areas in California, and in Reno, Nevada…
According to the site, Stockton, Fresno, Monterey, and the San Francisco Bay areas are now all set to receive Verizon’s incredibly fast 4G data speeds. And Reno, Nevada — which is often referred to as a miniature Las Vegas, is also now covered with LTE.
Verizon’s LTE network now covers more than 200 million people, in well over 200 markets. Thanks to its one-year head start, it’s buildout is miles ahead of AT&T’s, which is currently only in about 30 markets. Yikes.

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