Friday, May 11, 2012

Pocket 4.1 is out with new features and UI enhancements

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Pocket, it’s essentially the reincarnation of Read It Later. The service allows you to bookmark and organize your favorite articles, videos and other web content for later viewing.
About a month ago, the Read It Later team released Pocket 4.0 for the iPhone and iPad — the first app released under the new brand. And while the client was great before, it just got a whole lot better…
What’s new in Pocket version 4.1:
■Swipe left or right to enable Page Flipping to read one page at a time
■Improved Dark theme and new Sepia theme with a focus on contrast and readability
■Increased maximum font size
■Dark Theme throughout the app so you can use it comfortably at night
■Automatic detection of URLs copied to the clipboard so they can be added directly to Pocket
■Support for additional video sites, including TED and Devour
If you use any ‘read later’ service, and haven’t tried Pocket yet, I strongly urge you to check it out. The app, for both the iPhone and iPad, is extremely sharp. And the price is right too. You can download Pocket from the App Store, for free.
What do you think of Pocket?

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