Sunday, July 24, 2011

T-Mobile Disses the iPad 2 by Calling the G-Slate Faster

T-Mobile USA has declared an all-out war on the iPad 2, claiming that the “G-Slate” tablet is both faster and cheaper.
In a new tablet comparison page on the company’s website, T-Mobile pits the hugely popular iPad 2 against the Android-powered Motorola Xoom, listing specifications and costs for both tablets. Unsurprisingly, the only tablet of the three that T-Mobile has on its network comes out on top, with the G-Slate receiving the most praise…
While it has to be agreed that the G-Slate is indeed the cheaper of the three, we find ourselves taking umbrage with T-Mobile’s claims that its own horse in this race is actually the fastest.
Granted, T-Mobile is obviously talking about its network speeds here, rather than the speed of the actual hardware, but even then we’re still not convinced. T-Mobile is currently marketing its HSPA+ network as 4G, something we just can’t quite get behind.
When BGR got in touch with T-Mobile to clear things up, the site was told that the tablet speed tests were carried out by an independent entity over a selection of locations.
Admittedly, T-Mobile’s network may be nice and speedy, but we think we’d rather take the iPad’s interface and apps over Android’s offering any day of the week.
We suspect T-Mobile would, too.

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