Monday, July 25, 2011

Verizon Getting Ready for iPhone 5 by Clearing Out iPhone 4 Inventory

We’re all waiting for the next iPhone announcement, with the smart money on a release date of late August to late September, depending on which rumor you subscribe to. The latest information coming out of the Apple rumor mill points to the same release window, with news that Verizon is beginning to clear out inventory to make way for the new handset.
We’re always skeptical about trusted tipsters, but the guys at Phone Arena seem to think this one is legit, and if it is, Verizon obviously knows something that we don’t….
Citing their source, Phone Arena says that the largest carrier in the United States has begun discounting some accessory bundles in preparation for the iPhone 5. The same tipster claims that Verizon will soon begin discounting all accessories, which would be a sure sign of a product refresh being on the cards.
“A trustworthy tipster of ours let us know that Verizon has started discounting certain accessory bundles for the iPhone 4, which, it turns out, usually means that they’re phasing their inventory out, in order to get ready for the new handset. After that, our person says, we should expect them to lower the prices of single accessory offerings”
Obviously, this is about as far as we can get from an official announcement, but it’s just another pointer to add to the increasing amount of evidence pointing to an iPhone 5 being in our sweaty hands sooner, rather than later.
We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to see what the team in Cupertino has got lined up for us this time around!

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