Saturday, September 10, 2011

Angry Birds Speakers Are Angry, and Speakers

Have you ever wanted something, but you’re not entirely sure what you’d use it for, or even why you want it in the first place? Well, that’s exactly the predicament we find ourselves in when looking at these Angry Birds speaker docks.
Manufactured by well-known accessory company Gear4, the speakers come in two flavors – the pigs are actually iPod speaker docks, and the bird version serves as plug-and-play speakers. You’ve gotta love it.
Expect both versions to go on sale across the globe some time in the coming weeks, but we don’t have solid pricing just yet. Engadget suggests the non-dock variety should retail around €69 ($96), though.
If Angry Birds speakers float your boat, how about a lovely set of Angry Birds bras, too? Go on, treat yourself!

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