Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ever Wanted an iPhone With a Wooden Back Panel?

If unique is what you’re after, then you’re going to love JackBacks.
If there’s one downside to everyone and their grandmother being the proud owner of an iPhone 4 right now, it’s that there’s nothing really unique about the handset itself. Granted, some may have a fancy case, but other than that, all our iPhones look the same.
The JackBacks wooden iPhone 4 case is sure to set you apart from the rest of the boring, bumper-clad iPhone lovers out there.
If you’re anything like me, and I hope for all our sakes that you’re not, you’ll have found yourself scouring the internet for replacement back panels for the iPhone 4. Not necessarily because you’re old one is broken (though, let’s be honest, it’s a distinct possibility), but because you like to be different. Unique, if you will.
Developer-turned-iPhone back panel creator Adam Baumgartner might just have something to make your iPhone 4 stand out from the crowd, and that’s a wooden back plate.
You have a selection of wood to choose from; bamboo, mahogany, and maple all included. But that’s not where the fun ends. Baumgartner will also etch a logo or design into the aforementioned panels, too, making your iPhone truly unique.
Costs vary depending on the wood chosen and design to be used, but it’s a small price to pay for knowing that nobody has the same iPhone as you anymore. If you like to stand out from the crowd, you might just want to give JackBacks a whirl.
First person to get the iDB logo etched into one of these things wins, well, nothing. But hey, it’d be super cool!

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