Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let this iPhone Dock and Handset Take You Back in Time

CultofMac points to a rather interesting new iPhone dock by the Old Time Computer outfit. The company loves to mash up old fashioned woodwork and cutting edge technology, and it might just have a hit on its hands with this classic iPhone accessory.
The handmade wooden dock not only looks gorgeous, but it also keeps your iDevice charged with a built-in USB cable. Perhaps the coolest part, though, is that it comes with an old-fashioned handset, capable of connecting to your iPhone via bluetooth…
The artist behind the vintage dock goes by the name of woodguy32. The graphic-designer-turned-carpenter has produced hundreds of custom-enclosures, for everything from the iPad to the iMac. He even builds hot rods made almost entirely out of wood.
The dock consists of a small block of wood, with some metal accents to give it that old-fashion feel. An Apple 30-pin USB cable is pulled through an opening at the bottom of the dock to keep your iPhone charged. The included bluetooth handset works up to 30 feet away.
The app in the picture above isn’t made specifically for the product, but as you can see it matches quite nicely. There are several rotary dialer apps in the App Store, but if you want the one shown in the photo, you can download it here. It’s free.
The wooden dock is available over at for $72 (+$15 for shipping). But it says please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, so I’m assuming these things aren’t being mass-produced. I wouldn’t want one myself, but with Christmas coming up it might make a cool novelty gift.
What do you think of this unique iPhone dock?

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