Thursday, September 22, 2011

MyTube: Yet Another Way to Download YouTube Videos on the iPhone

There’s a plethora of jailbreak tweaks and apps that allow you to download YouTube videos directly to your iOS device, and MyTube is the latest app to join the party.
Free on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, MyTube is a standalone jailbreak app that allows you to stream, download, store, search, and share all of your favorite YouTube Videos.
Right off the top of my head, I can think of two jailbreak apps or tweaks that perform similar functions — MxTube, and YourTube.
In terms of similarities, MyTube shares more in common with MxTube, being that it is a standalone app. YourTube excels, because it is neatly integrated into the stock YouTube app, thus eliminating the need for a separate app.
All three of the apps aim to accomplish similar goals, and they all primarily revolve around downloading YouTube videos for offline viewing.
What I particularly like about MyTube, is that it’s free, and it features decent Facebook and Twitter sharing options. I’m not a big fan of the ads littering the bottom of the console, but I realize that’s a tradeoff for this app being free.
If you’re really serious about downloading YouTube videos to your iPhone, YourTube is your best bet. If you’re a casual downloader, then either MxTube or MyTube should meet your needs.
With so many options available, be sure to let us know which one of the three that you prefer in the comments below.

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