Tuesday, October 11, 2011

PowerSaver: Execute Actions Based on Your iPhone’s Battery Percentage

PowerSaver is a new jailbreak tweak, which lends your iPhone the ability to execute specific actions based on the amount of battery power you have remaining.
For instance, when you reach 50% power, you can have the iPhone dim the brightness, skip to the next music track, or lock the screen.
Have a look inside, for a full video synopsis of PowerSaver.
In all, you can program up to 14 different actions using PowerSaver, so you can really get specific when it comes to executing actions at certain battery intervals.
I did notice that not all of the functions executed at the exact battery level that I indicated, and that some commands, like Safe Mode, were best left alone, due to the fact that it caused an infinite respring loop.
Fortunately, most of those issue have been ironed out with the 1.01 update, but I have to be honest and say that the tweak can still be quite finicky at times.
If you want to try out PowerSaver for yourself, head over to the BigBoss repo on Cydia, where you can purchase it for $1.50.
Do you think something like this would be helpful to your day-to-day iPhone routine, or more of an inconvenience? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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