Sunday, October 9, 2011

When it Comes to Smartphone Displays, Does Size Matter?

Over the last few years, there’s consistently been one feature about the iPhone I’d hoped Apple would change. Its display size. Say what you want about portability, but a 3.5″ screen is far from ideal for any kind of extended web browsing.
Needless to say, the Cupertino company hasn’t touched the iPhone’s screen size, and I’ve always kind of wondered why. Recently I came across an article by Dustin Curtis, a designer, that offers some interesting thoughts on Apple’s reasoning…
In the post, Curtis talks about an epiphany he had while using his recently purchased Samsung Galaxy S II:
“When you first see a phone with a 4-inch or larger screen, it seems like a much better experience. I thought it was a technical decision, and it could be, but since switching to an Android phone — a Samsung Galaxy S II — 15 days ago, I have realized another huge downside of larger screens: when holding the phone with one hand, I can’t reach the other side of the screen with my thumb.”
He goes on to explain that trying to touch the upper right hand of his Galaxy S II’s 4.2″ display with one hand is frustrating, and nearly impossible. With his iPhone 4, however, he found that he could reach the other side of the screen without straining.

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