Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Amazing iPhone-Controlled Coffee Maker is From the Future

There’s something special about an iPhone-controlled coffee machine. Think about it: you wake up early in the morning, launch an app on your iPhone, shuffle into the kitchen a few minutes later, and a nice, hot cup of coffee is waiting for you.
The Scanomat Top Brewer sits out of sight under your counter and features a metal pipe that pours delicious coffee into your cup. The machine’s dedicated iPhone and iPad app lets you make your favorite drinks from the comfort of anywhere in your house.
The Top Brewer makes an incredible 4 coffee cups per minute. It also cleans up after itself. The machine claims to have the smallest milk foamer on the market, and the tip of the metal dispenser heats and foams to match the necessary texture of whatever drink you’re making.
You can dispense hot and cold water, milk, fruit juices, and even steam with the Top Brewer. The iPhone app lets you connect to the machine and select from the available drinks, or have your own favorite coffee pre-programmed and dispensed.
Scanomat hasn’t announced a price tag for the Top Brewer, but expect it to cost way more than your typical Bunn coffee maker.

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