Sunday, December 11, 2011

Apple Gets Final Go-Ahead For iPhone 4S Release in China, Release Imminent

It’s all systems go for Apple in China, after the country’s regulators gave the iPhone 4S the last level approval required before going on sale.
According to reports, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the required network access permit this week, removing the final stumbling block which had prevented the latest iPhone from going on sale in the country. Apple had recently confirmed that the iPhone 4S was indeed ready to be released, and that the company was simply awaiting the go-ahead from the authorities.
The move means that Apple and its wireless partners now have all they need to bring the iPhone 4S to the largest smartphone market on the planet…
Chinese Apple fans won’t have long to wait before they can get their hands on a shiny new iPhone 4S, either, with China Unicom claiming they expect to begin selling the handset as early as this month. The carrier believes a 16GB iPhone 4S will set buyers back 4,999 yuan ($786) unsubsidised.
The iPhone 4S is expected to sell as well in China as it has across the globe, with queues and sell-outs almost a given at this point. When the handset went on sale in Hong Kong last month it was met by hordes of iPhone fans. China, with its considerable Apple fan-base should, easily see a similar turnout for the 4S.
If you’re living in China, we’d love to hear whether you will be picking up an iPhone 4S when it goes on sale.

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