Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Apple Has an Actual Unboxing Room to Test Product Packaging

Apple’s engineers and designers are world-renowned for their attention to details, but to what extent? Well according to Adam Lashinsky’s new Inside Apple book, the iPhone-makers have their own unboxing room — yeah, unboxing room.
Bits and pieces of Lashinksy’s book have been surfacing on the web over the past two weeks. The leaks have provided some interesting insight into the Cupertino company, and this next excerpt continues that trend…
Per the book, Apple is said to have its own secrete packaging room. And inside this room is a packaging designer that tests hundreds of different packaging variations for each of Apple’s products. Lashinksy writes:
“One after another, the designer created and tested an endless series of arrows, colors, and tapes for a tiny tab designed to show the consumer where to pull back the invisible, full-bleed sticker adhered to the top of the clear iPod box. Getting it just right was this particular desinger’s obsession. What’s more, it wasn’t just about one box. The tabs were placed so that when Apple’s factory packed multiple boxes for shipping to retail stores, there was a natural negative space between the boxes that protected and preserved the tab.”
Of course, none of this should surprise anyone who’s ever opened an iPhone box, or other Apple product. It’s no coincidence that the search term “iPhone unboxing” yields nearly 90,000 hits on YouTube.
As Steve Jobs used to say, “it’s all in the details.”

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