Sunday, January 22, 2012

SiriToggles: Launch Apps, Control Brightness, and Toggle Settings Via Siri

It has barely been a day, and we’ve already seen a plethora of new jailbreak tweaks to take advantage of Siri in new ways. The latest is SiriToggles, and it looks like it could be one of the most promising thus far.
SiriToggles is like SBSettings for voice. You can literally control most of the vital aspects of your iPhone that you normally adjust on a day-to-day basis. Things like brightness, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, and more can all be controlled using Siri commands.
Even better, Siri Toggles allows you to launch apps; and when we say launch apps, we mean every app, jailbreak or otherwise. Folks, you do not want to miss our preview of this jailbreak tweak if you’re in possession of an iPhone 4S. This is going to make your lives a whole lot easier.

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