Sunday, August 28, 2011

RapidContact: Quickly Dial or Text a Contact

You don’t have to be jailbroken very long before you hear about Activator. The popular tweak allows you to initiate frequent tasks with button taps or on-screen gestures.
What’s cool about Activator is that it’s compatible with hundreds of other Cydia packages, including the one we’re going to be discussing here — RapidContact. The tweak allows users to quickly call or text a favorite contact…
RapidContact is just a simple utility that allows you to launch the SMS composition screen or dial pad with a pre-programmed number. You can preset the number from the Settings app, or tell it to automatically recall the last number you called.
The package would’ve received bonus points if it had a BiteSMS-style quick reply keyboard. The fact that it just launches the stock SMS app is kind of pointless comparatively. However, the quick-dial function would be useful for folks who frequently call the same person.
I won’t be trading SMSPlus in for this tweak, but I think other users will find it handy. The price is certainly right. You can download RapidContact from Cydia for free.
Have you tried RapidContact yet?

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