Friday, September 2, 2011

Good Mockup of Alleged iPhone 5 Design Compared with iPhone 4

Remember that alleged next gen iPhone 5 icon we showed you in the Photo Stream beta yesterday? It was an interesting find because it was designed by Apple internally, and it looked to be a slightly redesigned iPhone with features that match rumors we’ve been hearing about the iPhone 5.
9to5Mac has put together a comparison of the blown up iPhone ’5′ icon and the iPhone 4. You’ll notice a slightly smaller screen and a redesigned home button…
While it is worth noting that this render is just a blown up imagining of the small icon that was spotted yesterday, it does say some interesting things about what the iPhone 5 will potentially look like. (Apple doesn’t put icons like this one into its products for no reason. If so, this would be one very, very sloppy move.)
First off, rumors have been saying that the next flagship iPhone will feature an edge-to-edge screen, redesigned home button (with possibile multitouch gestures), a tapered back, and a 3.7 inch screen. 9to5′s render fits the bill.
If the iPhone 5 ends up being a bigger device, it could potentially stack up like this.
You have to love the iPhone 5 fever.

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