Friday, September 2, 2011

Help Make this Cool iOS Jailbreak Game

It’s a rare occasion that we stumble across a good game in Cydia, so it caught our eye when iEnthusiast mentioned that developer “ntrfc0″ is working on a Zelda-themed iOS game for jailbreakers.
He has good ideas for the game, but he needs help from the community…
“I intend for the game to have a jailbreaking backstory. Instead of trying to save a princess the main character will be on a quest to free (jailbreak) his phone.
Now here’s where you come in. I need to contract a few people to help with things such as artwork & sound effects but I don’t have any spare funds available to do so. I’m looking for a few trustworthy people that would be willing to donate a few $$’s to the cause and help get this game created.”
So, if you help, what’s in it for you? Ntfc0 says that contributors will be listed as ‘producers’ in the game’s “About” section. He’s taking donations towards the project, and the two people that donate the most will get characters named after them.
Depending on how well the game does in Cydia, the developer will try to compensate those that contribute money to the game’s development. Also, if the game does really well, extra compensation will be given to contributors.
This is a perfect project for the iDownloadBlog community to jump on board with and make happen. We’re sure that the developer could use all kinds of help — iOS developer experience is probably a plus.
Contact the developer to donate and ask questions: You can also contact him on Twitter: @ntrfc0.
Let’s help make the best jailbreak game in existence!

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