Monday, December 5, 2011

Ac1dSn0w Beta 2 Jailbreak Tool Released, Fixes Copyright Infringement Issues

The Pwn Dev Team has released a major update to their jailbreak tool, Ac1dSn0w. The tool was made available to the world a couple of weeks ago as an alternative to other apps for jailbreaking, like RedSn0w and PwnageTool.
Ac1dSn0w Beta 2 supposedly fixes the copyright infringement issues that the original beta possessed. The download file size has also been significantly reduced from over 100MB to about 11MB.
From the Pwn Dev Team blog:
Beta 2:
■Fixed legal issue
■Fixed problems with ramdisk (black screen)
■Removed boot logo
Supported Devices (iOS5/iOS5.0.1):
■iPhone 3Gs
■iPhone 4
■iPod Touch 4 G
■iPad 1
Ac1dSn0w still offers a tethered jailbreak. Because we have been led to believe by other jailbreak developers that this release of Ac1dSn0w is indeed legal, we have added the Beta 2 download link to our Downloads page. You can also see our dedicated Ac1dSn0w tutorial for Beta 1 to learn how to jailbreak with the tool — the steps have remained exactly the same. Ac1dSn0w is only available on the Mac.
You may be asking why you should use Ac1dSn0w, and, honestly, we can’t give you a good reason at the moment. Currently, the tool offers nothing more than (actually, it technically offers less features) other prominent jailbreak tools like, RedSn0w.
The developers of Ac1dSn0w have promised that big things are coming for Ac1dSn0w users, like the ability to remotely jailbreak an iDevice, but the current Beta 2 offers nothing to make you jump ship from what you’re already using to jailbreak.

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