Monday, December 5, 2011

Simple Concept Gesture For Multitasking on the iPhone is Brilliant

Sometimes we see a concept video and think, “Wow, why hasn’t Apple done this?” Such is the case with a simple multitasking gesture concept by UI designer Max Rudberg.
While the iPad offers multiple enhanced gestures for navigating through iOS, including 4-finger swipes and pinch moves, the iPhone still lacks basic gesture support that would make navigating so much easier. Rudberg’s concept takes a very simple approach to reinventing the way we access the multitasking bar in iOS 5 on our iPhones.
On the iPad, you can swipe up with 4 fingers to access the multitasking bar at any time. You can also swipe to the side to move between open apps. It seems impractical to swipe up with 4 fingers on the iPhone, but there needs to be a similar gesture available.
Rudberg’s concept is so simple that it makes us headdesk. The user could simply swipe up with one finger from the bottom of the iPhone’s screen to access the multitasking bar anywhere in iOS 5. This method of access is way more intuitive than the current double tap of the home button.
Apple, why have you not implemented this gesture yet? Sometimes it’s the simple things that really make a difference.

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