Monday, September 12, 2011

Did Apple Try to Buy Dropbox For $800m to Help iCloud?

In the build-up to Apple announcing its MobileMe replacement, iCloud, the Cupertino firm apparently considered a move for the acquisition of syncing-in-the-cloud king Dropbox, according to reports.
Apple was so impressed with Dropbox, and its expected $100 million/year income, that they decided to offer $800 million in order to buy the company. The claim comes from Business Insider, and the report is quick to point out that the rumor is unconfirmed, but it is interesting to consider, nonetheless…
Dropbox has since raised a massive $4 billion valuation, and Apple has announced its own cloud and syncing service, iCloud. Was Apple planning on taking the Dropbox technology and talent under its wing in order to help iCloud bring document and file syncing to its iDevices?
We’ll probably never know what was really going on in the minds of the Apple hierarchy, but many pundits, including more than a couple of us here at iDB, thought that Apple should have just bitten the bullet and bought Dropbox.
What do you think? Should Apple have bought Dropbox? Or will iCloud end up becoming the king of cloud sync?

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