Monday, September 12, 2011

Shoot Pictures on Your iPhone and Send Them Directly to Photoshop with Acquire

Photographers are a finicky bunch. Always editing and always changing images until they get them just right.
Adobe’s Photoshop is used for all the heavy lifting, but more and more people are just using an iPhone to take the shots in the first place. We already know just how popular a camera the iPhone 4 is, and that’s only going to improve with the release of the iPhone 5.
A new app from FlyingCarLTD aims to help budding photographers and professionals alike, by making the importing of iDevice photos into Photoshop as easy as possible. It’s so easy in fact, that you don’t even need to think about it…
Acquire, available to download right now on the App Store for a mind-bogglingly low $1.99, uses Adobe’s Remote Connect feature to send images wirelessly over your network, right into the waiting Photoshop app on your Mac or Windows PC. There’s no user interaction from you, and the full image is sent over – no drop-in resolution here folks.
“Acquire is a simple, powerful utility for instantly ingesting images from your camera-equipped iOS device into Adobe Photoshop CS5. Using Adobe’s Remote Connect feature, an image shot with your device’s camera is instantly, wirelessly transmitted into Photoshop so you can work with it without delay.”
At less than $2, Acquire is a bargain even if you only ever use it once! That’s assuming you already have a copy of Photoshop, of course!
FlyingCarLTD has even put together a tutorial video, showing just how easy Acquire is to use.
Acquire is compatible with the iPhone 4, iPad 2, and 4th generation iPod touch.

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