Saturday, September 17, 2011

The New York Times: A “Fairly Different” iPhone 5 is Due for Release in a Few Weeks

By now, you are probably tired of all the reports that involves rumors, leaks, predictions and so on regarding the iPhone 5 and probably wishing that Apple should just release it already. But we all know it's coming and it is bound to be announced by the Cupertino company some time later this month. One aspect of the iPhone 5 that everyone seems to want to know is the final design. Just a few days we've brought to you a report about a reputed iPhone case maker who published images of cases for an iPhone with a new design. Now another report has been published that claims that a "fairly different" designed iPhone 5 is due for release in a few weeks time.
Now we know that you've heard this sort of iPhone 5 information before, but this particular report came from the The New York Times. The report indicates that The New York Times were able to talk to an Apple employee who stated that its only a matter of a few weeks before the iPhone 5's announcement. Not only that, an Apple engineer has also stated that the new iPhone will be "fairly different" from the iPhone 4 in terms of design, including the inside. This jives with past rumors that the iPhone 5 will be sporting a new design and a modest hardware upgrade. Lastly, the Apple employee also confirmed that the iPhone 5 will feature an upgraded 8 megapixel camera, a decent upgrade to the iPhone 4's 5 megapixel one.
Again, these are all information that one would already know granted that they have been actively following the rumors surrounding the iPhone 5. But at least, these rumors were given additional weight so it would be fair to expect that the iPhone 5 will have a different design when it comes out.
Another long standing rumor regarding the next iPhone is the possibility that Apple will introduce not one but two iPhones this coming fall. 9to5Mac has also come across some information that there are indeed two different iPhone models that will be coming on October and will be announced later this month. Now if you have been reading our blog for the past few months, then you'll know that there are buzzes that a lower-end iPhone will be sold alongside the next generation iPhone. The lower-end is speculated to be basically very identical to the current iPhone 4 but will instead have an 8GB internal storage.
The folks at 9to5Mac were allegedly told that the iPhone 5 will be a striking piece of hardware. It will be a lot thinner and lighter yet it will much firmer than the Samsung Galaxy smartphones. As usual, Apple doesn't have anything to comment with regards to the iPhone 5, so Apple fans and the media tend to depend on rumors and leaks to get their iPhone 5 fix. As we approach the expected announcement of the next-gen iPhone, expect to see more rumors and reports such as these.

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