Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Steal $60,000 in iPads in 60 Seconds

Florida Police are looking for three men that stole $60,000 in iPads from a local Best Buy in 60 seconds. The trio of culprits broke into a Best Buy early in the morning Monday and made away with 60-90 iPads.
That’s one way to avoid Apple’s online shipping dates. The cast of Oceans 11 would be proud.
Naples News reports:
“Lee Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to an alarm activation at Best Buy located in Coconut Point, 8000Mediterranean Drive, Estero, just before 5 a.m. They found the rear door pried open and merchandise on the ground.
The store’s manager said an initial check showed a cage door pried open and 60 to 90 Apple iPads missing. The manager estimates the value to be about $60,000.00, according to reports.”
The men were dressed in black, and the report notes that they made “a specific search for the iPads” upon entering the store. According to Best Buy surveillance, it took the thieves one minute to grab the iPads, drop them in a black bin, and walk out the back door.
As Cult of Mac notes, while this was a fast grab, it doesn’t break the record. Back in May, burglars in Ohio stole 24 MacBooks and an iPad from an Apple store in under 30 seconds.
Now it’s time for you to try and break the record! Just kidding. Don’t do that.

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