Thursday, September 15, 2011

Priceline for iPad Drops in the App Store

The Priceline Hotel & Car Negotiator app for iPad has dropped in the App Store. Priceline is a service that allows you to find the best deal on plane tickets, hotels and car rentals. There is already a Priceline app for the iPhone, and both versions have been integrated into one app, making it a universal download.
Though the titile of the app suggests that you can rent a car, you actually can’t do that in the iPad version. Priceline asks you to use its website for that, or use the iPhone version.
The app features a beautiful map interface for booking hotels. It also allows “Name Your Own Price” booking, giving you the best hotel deals available.
A cool bonus included in the app is that it gives you a $25 bonus for booking from the iPhone or iPad. Unfortunately, this can only be used for a hotel that you book in advance.
You can download the app for free in the App Store.
What do you think? Do you use Priceline?

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